
Poland and EU

Shall the national interest be put above the EU one or not?

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How to protect the national borders

A crash course for uninitiated

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The buying power of the Dutch will get more hits this year

And the budget is not quite a happy land.

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This is the price of a vaccine dose charged by Pfizer on EU taxpayers.

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Corona a thing of the past? Not so fast!

Dutch government is still maintaining the lockdown propaganda, following the global agenda

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Zelenskyy and some weird diplomacy

The end of war might be in sight for the ones who wants to see

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Pfizer (but not only) and the wonderful world of side effects

mRNA COVID-19 vaccination might not be safe as you're forced to believe

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Green energy is awesome but expensive

All in the name of fighting (an imaginary) climate crisis, for a Brand New World

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Croatia moves closer to the eurozone

And closer of thrashing their economy.

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Ursula von der Leyen - long live the Queen!

The Queen of the Energy Crisis in European Union

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Natural gas and the climate change hypocrisy

When not imported from Russia, natural gas seems to be cleaner.

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Outbreak Management Team - the experts

Making everyone's life miserable, "expert" style, since 2020

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Pennyworth - good TV series, stupid ending

How to kill a good series (Spoiler alert!)

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Rabobank and changes to cash deposits

Rabobank, cash and negative interest rate.

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Terrorist attack in Mannheim

or how to defend the moral values of Islam

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Mario Draghi wants European Union to be less of an union

And more like a dictatorship of a few. Like ECB.

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Pfizer Clinical Trial Data Contradicts ‘Safe and Effective’ Government/Industry Mantra

According to the CHD (Children's Health Defence) and to common sense

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South African Researches are COVID Party Poopers

Good news are killing the effort to vaccinate the global population ten times more

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